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Animal Extinction: Polar Bears

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

How We’re Going to Help

We are going to help polar bears through a website called Polar Bears International. Another way we are going to help is we are going to hang posters up around our school about how polar bears are endangered and how they need help. After we help polar bears, we are going to try and help other animals that are endangered.


Polar bears: life cycle

The cycle of a female polar bear includes mating, birthing, and denning. Polar bears can determine the season from their biological clocks. They can also determine when it’s mating season.


Polar bears: name & evolution

"A polar bear by any other name would be the same. Ursus maritimus, Thalarctos, sea bear, ice bear, Nanuq, isbjorn, white bear, beliy Medved, lord of the arctic, old man in the fur coat, and white sea deer." (Polar Bears International)


Polar bears live in Alaska U.S.A, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway, where polar bears depend on whether the ice is sturdy. Also, if there are a lot of seals (which is their prey).

What do Polar Bears eat?

Polar bears: eating habits

“Polar bears depend on the high-fat content in seal fat. The polar bears prey on both ringed and bearded seals across their range, but will take other prey when available.” (Polar Bears International)


Polar bears: disease

Like most bear species, polar bears don’t usually get diseased. There is a disease called Trinchenella that has infected polar bears.


Why they are endangered and how you can help:

Polar bears are dying because of climate change. They are struggling because the ice is melting, and without the ice, polar bears aren't getting enough food. So they can’t feed their cubs. If you want polar bears to live on, then go to Polar Bears International and donate to help them.


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