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Animal Extinction

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

What Is It?

Most people know one of the problems in the world is climate change. Along with climate change, there is animal extinction and endangerment. Animals you might have heard of, such as polar bears, pandas, and rhinoceroses, are all endangered. Those three animals are just a few of the endangered animals in the world. Some endangered animals are a little less popular, like possums, frogs, and an American pika.

Why Is It a Problem?

A lot of animals are becoming endangered because of climate change. A lot of animals are probably going to go extinct in just a few years. If an animal like the polar bear goes extinct, it might ripple the food chain and affect other animals. Here is a list of animals that are most affected by climate change.

  • POLAR BEAR: Polar bears are dying because of climate change. They are struggling because the ice is melting, and without the ice, polar bears aren't getting enough food. So they can’t feed their cubs. If you want polar bears to live on, then go to Polar Bears International and donate to help them. (

  • GREEN SEA TURTLE: Between 85,000 and 90,000 nesting females are left. Rising sea levels will interfere with the green sea turtles' nesting beaches. Green sea turtles are all over the world and nest in more than 80 countries! Click on the link below to find out more on green sea turtles.

  • SNOW LEOPARD: The snow is melting in their natural habitat, and they are forced to move farther into the mountains. There are about 6,000 snow leopards left.

  • GIANT PANDA: Giant pandas are endangered because climate change is affecting the rate that bamboo grows. Since the bamboo is going away, the pandas don’t have anything to eat. Now there are only 1,864 pandas left. (

  • TIGER: Tigers are another animal that is affected by climate change. In the past 30 years, the tiger population has gone down about 100,000 – now there are about 3,200 left. Climate change affects tigers because the sea levels are rising, making the water erode and causing the salt water to go in the freshwater. Now the tigers are struggling to get water.

How Is This Problem Related to Global Warming?

Animals are being affected by global warming because ice is melting and it’s getting warmer, which leads to animal extinction. Polar bears, for example, are endangered because without the ice, they are struggling to get food. (

Who Is Responsible for This?

A coal company is to blame for 14.32 percent of pollution. Also, a company called Saudi Arabian Oil Company is to blame for 4.50 percent of pollution. Go to the website below to find more information.

What Organisations Support This Issue?

If you want to help stop global warming, then you should donate money to an organisation that will help solve the problem. We also found a website that tells you what you can do to help the issue. Some of the ways are: drive less, walk more, buy less plastic, and if you want to do more, click the links below.

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