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Am I clean yet?

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

A way to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is: taking shorter showers. People spend an average of 60 hours each year taking showers. If we took shorter showers, the amount of carbon we produce would decrease. By decreasing the amount of carbon we use, we are shrinking our carbon footprint. “It takes energy to heat your water tank and keep it hot. When you take a long hot shower, energy is needed as cold water is piped in to replenish the tank. Therefore taking a long shower is linked to burning fossil fuels and the emission of CO2. Heating 1 gallon of water produces, on average, 0.18 lbs of CO2.” Thermal pollution - Wikipedia


A good way to reduce your water usage is… Only use your dishwasher and washing machine when needed. If you use it when there is still space to fill, you are wasting water and it’s one of the reasons why we are in a drought. Also, keep in mind that the more water you use in a bath the more water you are wasting. A lot of the time, people use so much water in their bath, that you could use all of that water for two showers! So if you really think that you are helping our planet… Take one more closer look to see if that is true.

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